What is a Maintenance Culture skillshare?

Maintenance Culture is hosting skillshare events in all six of its locations in 2023. These are community-based, participatory events that seek to bring together those who are involved in digital art at all stages of its lifecycle—its creation, its exhibition, and its maintenance. In short, we aim to bring together the artists who create digital works with those people who preserve them. Artists, creators, archivists, museum professionals, gallerists, and anyone else interested in creating or preserving digital art, will be led in an informal, but guided, conversation on the nature and nuances of this artistic medium so that we can learn from one another about our creative pedagogies and professional practices.

Skillshare participants will learn from their peers about preserving and sustaining access to things like installation art, digital publications, software and net art, time-based media, augmented reality artworks, and digital design. Artists are encouraged to show their work, and all participants will be invited to share a skill, learn a skill, and build a community of practice together.

Check back in here later in the summer for a recap of what was learned during our first three skiillshare meet-ups in Seattle, Baltimore, and Houston!

All Maintenance Culture skillshares are free, but pre-registration is required:


Maintenance Culture Seattle Workshop Recap


Meet the Maintenance Culture Regional Coordinators